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  • VC

    Vapor Compression (distillation)
  • VC

    Vinyl Chloride
  • VCE

    Vinyl Chloride Ethylene
  • VCM

    Vinyl Chloride Monomer
  • VCT

    Vinyl Composition Tile
  • VDC

    Vinylidene Chloride
  • VDI

    Verein Deutsche Ingenieure (Society of German Engineers)
  • VEAs

    Vasopermeation Enhancement Agents
  • VEAs (Vasopermeation Enhancement Agents)

    A new generation of drugs that increase the uptake of therapeutic agents to solid tumors.
  • Vector

    An agent, such as an insect, that can carry a disease-producing organism from one host to another; the agent used to carry new genes into cells. Plasmids currently are the vectors of choice, though viruses and other bacteria may sometimes be used. These molecules become part of the cell protoplasm.
  • Vegetative Form

    In bacteria, a stage of active growth, as opposed to a resting state or spore formation.
  • VEGF

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
  • Vehicle

    The host organism used for the replication or expression of a cloned gene or other sequence. The term is little used and is often confused with vector.
  • Vehicle

    Any solvent or carrier fluid in a pharmaceutical product that has no pharmacological role. For example, water is the vehicle for xilocaine and propylene glycol is the vehicle for many antibiotics.
  • Vendor

    A person or an organization that provides software and/or hardware and/or firmware and/or documentation to the user for a fee or in exchange for services. Such a firm could be a medical device manufacturer.
  • Vendor/Contractor Audit

    An evaluation of the supplier’s ability to deliver a quality product/service.
  • Ventilated Enclosure

    Engineering Control used to reduce dust emissions by providing apartially closed process zone for the dust emitting process. Dust emissions from the partially closed process zone are controlled by providing an inflow of air through any openings to entrain and capture the dust on a filter typically located before the air vacuum/movement source.
  • Ventilation Rate

    The number of times in an hour that the air volume of a room is replaced.
  • Verfolgbarkeit (ISO)

  • Verifiable

    Can be proved or confirmed by examination or investigation.
  • Verification

    The act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, auditing, or otherwise establishing and documenting whether items, processes, services, or documents conform to specified requirements. (also see: IQ (Installation Qualification))
  • Verification

    (ISO) Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled.
  • Verification

    Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled.NOTE: Monitoring and auditing methods, procedures and tests, including random sampling and analysis, can be used in the verification of the formal system.
  • Verification

    Defined as “The process of evaluating the products of agiven phase to ensure correctness and consistency with respect to products and standards provided as input to that phase”.
  • Verification

    (ISO) (ASTM E 2500) A systematic approach to verify that manufacturing systems, acting singly or in combination, are fit for intended use, have been properly installed, and are operating correctly. This is an umbrella term that encompasses all types of approaches to assuring systems are fit for use such as qualification, commissioning and qualification, verification, system validation, or other.