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  • Amorphous

    Having no apparent shape or order: noncrystalline.
  • AMP

    Average Manufacturer Price
  • Ampholyte

    Amphoteric electrolyte. Electrolyte that can either give up or take on a hydrogen ion and can thus behave as either an acid or a base.
  • Ampholyte

    An electrolyte that can be either positively or negatively charged, depending on the pH of its medium.
  • Amphoteric

    A substance that has both acid and base properties; Amphoteric molecules can accept or donate protons to act as an acid or a base.
  • Amphoteric

    Able to react as either an acid or a base, depending on pH.
  • Ampicillin

    An antibiotic widely used in clinical treatment and rDNA research. It is a derivative of penicillin, which kills bacteria by interfering with the synthesis of the cell wall.
  • Amplification

    An increase in the number of copies of a specific DNA fragment; can be In Vivo or In Vitro.
  • Amplification

    1. Treatment (e.g., use of chloramphenicol) designed to increase the proportion of plasmid DNA relative to that of bacterial (host) DNA.2. Replication of a gene library in bulk.3. Duplication of gene(s) within a chromosomal segment.4. Creation of many copies of a segment of DNA by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
  • Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)

    A type of DNA marker, generated by digestion of genomic DNA with two restriction enzymes to create many DNA fragments, ligation of specific sequences of DNA (called adaptors) to the ends of these fragments, amplification of the fragments via PCR (using a set of primers with sequences corresponding to the adapters, plus various random combinations of three additional bases at the end), and visualization of fragments via gel electrophoresis. The PCR will amplify any fragment whose sequence happens to start with any of the three-base sequences in the set of primers.AFLPs have the important advantage that many markers can be generated with relatively little effort. They are a very useful means of quantifying the extent of genetic diversity within and between populations. Their major disadvantage is that they are not specific to a particular locus and, because they are scored as the presence or absence of a band, heterozygotes cannot be distinguished from homozygotes, i.e., they are inherited in a dominant fashion.
  • Ampoule

    A heat-sealed all glass or all plastic containers for sterile, injectable pharmaceutical products.
  • Ampoule or Ampule

    A small, sterile glass vessel with an airtight seal that contains a single drug dose. One of the earliest devices developed for safe storage of sterile injectable unit.
  • AMS

    Analytical Method Selection
  • AMS

    Aseptic Meningitis Syndrome
  • AMS

    Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA)
  • AMS

    Aerospace Material Specification
  • AMT

    Analytical Method Transfer
  • AMV

    Analytical Method Validation
  • AMVP

    Analytical Method Validation Protocol
  • AMWA

    American Medical Writers Association
  • Amygdala

    An almond-shaped neurostructure that is involved in the production and response to non-verbal signs of anger, avoidance, defensiveness and fear.
  • Amylase

    A group of enzymes that degrade starch, glycogen and other polysaccharides, producing a mixture of glucose and maltose. Plants have both alpha- and beta-amylase; animal have only alpha-amylase.
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

    An inherited, fatal degenerative nerve disorder, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
  • ANA

    Abbreviated New Animal Drug Number (ORA AofC code)
  • ANA

    Antinuclear Antibodies