Nadege Nief

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Business Developper
Nadège is an Engineer in biotechnology & biochemistry at LETI Health. She started her career as a research engineer in Pharmacology at the French National center of Scientific Research (CNRS) before working as a consultant in marketing and strategy in biotechnology. She then worked ~10years in the Pharmaceutical CDMO industry, in charge of corporate development for sterile & biotech products. Nadège joined CEA 2 years ago (CEA = French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission). CEA is one of the most innovative technological research organization in the world, active in various fields, notably heath, defense, energy, etc. She is now in charge of partnerships at CEA Leti health, a CEA institute expert in micro and nanotechnologies. Leti employs 2000 FTEs, has a budget of 350M€, 2672 Patents Portfolio. Leti is at the interface of microelectronics, Photonics, telecommunication, biotechnologies, Artificial Intelligence and provides disruptive technologies for various industrial players, notably for pharmaceuticals and medtech companies.