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Technical Tuesday

Technical Tuesday:  Establishing HBELs in a Shared Facility

9 May 2023
9.00-10.00am SGT | Online


To establish effective health based exposure limits (HBELs) in a shared facility numerous steps should be taken including:

  1. Identify the hazardous chemicals or substances that are present in the shared facility. This can be done through a comprehensive assessment of chemicals and substances used in the facility. This includes evaluating the toxicity of the substance and the level of exposure that is likely to occur.
  2. Establish HBELs for each of the identified chemicals or substances. Health based exposure limits (HBELs) are typically established by regulatory agencies or groups of toxicologists and are based on the latest scientific research on the toxicity of the substance.
  3. Develop and implement exposure control measures to ensure that workers are not exposed to levels above the established HBELs. This may include engineering controls such as ventilation systems, administrative controls such as work practices and procedures, and personal protective equipment.
  4. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the exposure control measures to ensure that workers are not exposed to levels above the established HBELs. This may include regular monitoring of air quality, biological monitoring of workers, and ongoing review and evaluation of exposure control measures.
  5. Provide training and education to workers on the hazards associated with the chemicals or substances used in the shared facility, as well as the importance of following established exposure control measures.

Led by:

Cristina Epure, Toxicology Program Manager, Affygility Solutions, USA

Cristina have worked for over 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry/medical devices including 5 years in occupational toxicology, industrial hygiene, hazard evaluation and risk assessment Over the years, she collaborated to the implementation of comprehensive occupational safety program for a major generic pharmaceutical company located in Montreal, Quebec and participated into a broad range of projects and investigations to support worker and patient safety. Cristina has a B.Sc. in Microbiology & Immunology from University of Montreal.

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