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Technical Tuesday: Digitalization and its Impact During the Plant Life Cycle

Technical Tuesday

23 Mar 2021
5.30-6.30pm SGT | Online

Creating an industrial pharma plant often starts with a Tech Transfer from the small scale process and a conceptual design – process models and QbD play an important role to share KnowHow. Basic engineering and detailed elaboration of plant design (3D Model) to process specification, electrical planning, automation and qualification have to be realized – most of them in a digital environment. During operations Pharma 4.0 and IoT projects are realized. 
The talk will give an overview, how all these components fit together in a bigger picture: How digitalization impacts the Plant Life Cycle.

Led by:

Martin Mayer, Business Development Smart Engineering Services & Digitalization, ZETA GmbH

Martin has over 15 years’ experience including chemical, Pulp and Paper as well as biotech/biopharma industries, mainly in the field of digitization, data management, data analytics and model based optimization (DoE). Within 
Eppendorf, he was responsible for driving digitization towards new solutions from smart devices to cloud based services. 
Martin is a member of the Steering Committee for Plug&Produce activities within the ISPE Pharma 4.0 program.