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Technical Tuesday

Technical Tuesday: Monitoring Quality Attributes and Process Parameters in Continuous Upstream Processing Using Raman Spectroscopy


14 Jun 2022 
5.30-6.30pm SGT | Online

In this session, you will learn about:

1. Feasibility of in line monitoring technology for controlling quality attributes and process parameter

2. Effectivities of in line and real time monitoring technology for bioprocessing

3. Challenges of Raman technology implementation for continuous processing


Led by:

Yusuke Tomioka, Senior Upstream Engineer, Asia Life Science MSAT, Merck

Yusuke Tomioka is senior upstream engineer in Asia Life science MSAT group (Manufacturing Science & Technology). His main roles are the development of biopharmaceutical process, process optimization, implementations, scale up and troubleshooting. Focusing mainly on pilot and manufacturing scale areas especially for the bioreactor. He joined Merck in 2013 and carried out process optimization for cell culture media and depth filtration, sterilization. He obtained a master’s degree in medicine from the Nagoya University (Japan).