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Webinar: Plug and Play - Making interoperability a reality 

20 Apr 2022
8.30-10.00am SGT | Online

Topic: Biopharmaceutical digital factory of the future – Plug and Play Standards


Hosted by:

Rockwell Automation


Multiple Plug and Play Standards have been conceived and being developed through multiple industry-wide collaborations to enable the rapid deployment of modular equipment in all type of manufacturing facilities. These standards, co-developed by equipment providers, automation suppliers, and end-users, hopes to provide a common structure for defining an equipment’s automation capability. 
These solutions lay on top of existing and proven industry communication standards, eliminating the need for custom communication interfaces. It is estimated that a manufacturer utilizing the standard would save considerable costs in engineering and validation during the construction of a new manufacturing facility. 
Eliminating custom interface development can save weeks and even months in deploying automated equipment.

•    We will discuss the history, current state, and plans of the emerging NAMUR MTP (module type package) standard which aspires to provide vendor agnostic configuration and control of process equipment (most commonly skid sized units).  
•    We will also briefly review companion efforts being pursued by the OPAF (open process automation forum) and OMAC (organization for machine automation and control) that also impact this technology space.
•    Lastly, we will review six Plug and Play tests that has been performed over the past four years to through a collaboration of NAMUR, BioPhorum, and 8 different manufacturer and process equip providers. We will also talk about the upcoming testing scheduled as part of BioPhorum’ s workstream.


1)    Knowledge of the standards bodies currently developing standards, where to get more information.
2)    The nature, scope, goals, and future of these standards. 
3)    Identify the problems we are solving with plug and play modularity and why it is important in the advancement of modular and flexible manufacturing


Bruce Kane, P.E., Life Science Industry Consultant, Rockwell Automation
Bruce Kane, PE, is a Life Science Industry Consultant at Rockwell Automation with over 30 years of experience in batch and life science processes and the design, implementation, delivery, management, and operation of process automation solutions to the life science, chemical, oil &gas, and consumer goods industries. He successfully led the automation effort for two ISPE FOYA greenfield plants; one was built as the world’s largest stainless steel mAb production facilities and the other was the first completely disposable mAb production process. Bruce is licensed control system engineer and is active with the IEC, ISA, ISPE, and BioPhorum organizations and sits on several standards bodies.