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Thanks for joining ISPE Belgium Affiliate seminar 2021

16 November, 2021

Great to see each other again, face-to-face, at ISPE Belgium Affiliate seminar in Wavre, discussing the technologies of the future and success stories in digital transformation. Key elements are the combination of technologies, tools, data capabilities, people, and many more.

Inspirational talks, also from young professionals/emerging leaders, presentations, and workshop discussions from GSK, Takeda, Pfizer, Sanofi, PWC, Siemens, ... gave us some takeaways to go for a factory of the future.

Thanks to GSK for co-hosting this event, the ISPE Emerging Leaders community, all speakers and workshop leaders, all tabletop sponsors, and all delegates to make this event a big success!

See you soon, keep connecting, co-creating and building the pharma “eco-system”!