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Successfull ISPE Benelux Community of Practices events in November 2023

20 November, 2023

ISPE Belgium Affiliate supports 3 Community of Practices active in Benelux. Last month, more than 150 delegates joined one of the CoP events organized by the Benelux CoP teams!

C&Q&V Benelux CoP organized its first face-to-face 1/2 day event (incl. site visit) about risk assessment & validation, after a a couple of webinars from the past.

GAMP Benelux CoP celebrated its 15th anniversary with pasteries during networking diner, during 1/2 day event with use cases/presentations and Q&A session, discussing about GAMP 5 2nd Edition in Practice.

PM Benelux CoP invited a couple of speakers discussing about project management during a successfull 1/2 day event.

Thanks to CoP Board teams and sponsors/hosts to make it happen!

Benelux CoP events November 2023.pdf