Membership Spring Drive - Join Now!

Save the date for the 16th of June 2022 at MSD Boxmeer (NL) for the first post-covid edition ISPE Benelux CoP Project Management on project management for life sciences professionals.

This year’s theme is “The need for speed in pharma projects". In response to Covid-19, the global drug development community has moved faster and further than ever before. The need for accelerated project delivery in pharmaceutical drug development and manufacturing has become a common practice. Experienced Project Management professionals will provide real life examples of the impact of accelerated project delivery on project management and how these examples can be used to improve project execution and delivery timelines. 

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to learn and meet up with your PM peers.

Registration is required, limited seats.

For agenda and registration: Need for Speed in Pharma-PM COP Events (