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ISPE Belgium Affiliate General Assembly/Networking event 2022  

The workforce of the future


16h00 - Welcome reception

17h00 - Intro & General  Assembly - by ISPE Belgium Board

17h30 - Keynote speakers

  • Elly De Bruyn (CHRO at Quality by Design)

         How can Belgium strengthen it's leading life science position: future measures to attract, build and retain           the best talent on the market

  • Fabrice Le Garrec (Head of Business Unit Biologics at Eurogentec)

          Developing Young Leaders

  • Sandra Van Londen (Chapter President Healthcare Businesswomen's Association)

          Diversity and inclusion in the healthcare industry

19h00 - Networking reception

21h30 - Ending of the evening


Event is open and free for all ISPE Belgium members! 

Each ISPE Member can bring a 1 extra person for free!

More info & registration

Interested in sponsoring, contact us: