Membership Spring Drive - Join Now!

The ISPE UK Affiliate is pleased to announce a new One Day Summer Conference on ISPE Guidance and latest regulatory updates.

Regulation and the ISPE guidance documents are regularly updated.  In this conference we will be taking a look at updates over the last 2 years, outlining some of the key features and the reasons for them. 


08:30         Registration and tea and coffee


09:15         Annexe 15 Qualification and Validation – Lynn Bryan of Ballygan

10:15         Risk MAPP Good Practice Guide – Peter Dodd, ISPE


10:30         Tea and coffee


10:45         Sustainability Guide - Matt Harris of eeCO2

11:30         GAMP Infrastructure, Information and Control and Data Integrity Guides – Sion Wyn of Conformity


12:30         Lunch


13:30         Annexe 1 (Draft) Sterile Medicinal Products and Oral Solid Dose Guide – Rob Walker of RWGMP

14:30         Single Use Technology Guide – Bruce Williams of Williams Process

14:45         ISPE Guidance and REgulatory updates - Science and Risk Based Approach – Peter Dodd, ISPE


15:00         Tea and coffee


15:15         Decommissioning Guide – content from Diana Johnson of Elzinga

15:45         ISPE DACH Guide on Containment – Peter Dodd, ISPE

16:00         Conference Close 


The venue will remain open until 17:00 so there will be timer to interact with speakers and delegates.

In addition to the seminar there will be a small table top exhibition during the breaks. For anyone interested in exhibiting, please contact Peter Dodd via email:


The National Motorcycle Museum
Coventry Road
B92 0EJ


ISPE Members: £70
Non Members: £270 (including 1 year’s ISPE Membership)
Associated Organisation members**: £160

Places are limited so register today!

Delegate Name
Membership no. / Organisation


** Members of IChemE, IMechE, Pharmig and ABPI should indicate their Organisation and membership reference when registering.

Please note that membership of ISPE now includes free electronic access to the ISPE Good Practice Guides.  There is also a member’s discount for the other Guides. 

Please also note ISPE speakers are experts in their field volunteering their time and the programme may be subject to change