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Regulatory and Guidance Update

                                                                     The ISPE UK Affiliate is pleased to announce the continuation of our One Day Conference on this year's subject of "Regulatory and Guidance Update"

Start Finish Duration Title Speaker  
08:30 09:00 30 Registration    
09:00 09:15 15 Welcome and Introduction Tony Mills Tony Mills | LinkedIn
09:15 09:30 15 Emerging Leaders update Zam Thahir Zam Thahir  | LinkedIn
09:30 09:45 15 Women in Pharma (WIP) Update Ranna Eardley Ranna Eardley  | LinkedIn
09:45 10:45 1 hr Regulatory Update Jean Francois Duliere
Gordon Farquharson
Jean François DULIERE | LinkedIn
Gordon Farquharson  | LinkedIn
10:45 11:15 30 Tea and Coffee Break    
11:15 11.45 30 GAMP, including Data Integrity Karen Ashworth Karen Ashworth | LinkedIn
11:45 12.15 30 Commissioning and Qualification Graham Cameron Graham Cameron | LinkedIn
12.15 12.45 30 Process Validation Bruce Davis Bruce Davis | LinkedIn
12.45 13.45 60 Lunch    
13.45 14.15 30 Asset Management Phil Richardson Phillip Richardson | LinkedIn
14.15 14.45 30 Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) Agathe Guillot Agathe Giillot | LinkedIn
14.45 15.45 60 Water and Steam, including update on DACH Water Guide + Good Practice Guide: Non-Distillation Based Water for Injection (WFI) Fritz Order
Marcel Zehnder
Fritz Röder | LinkedIn
Marcel Zehnder | LinkedIn
15.45 16.15 30 Tea and Coffee Break    
16.15 16.45 30 Good Engineering Practise (GEP) Craig Milner Craig Milner | LinkedIn
16.45 17.15 30 Single Use Technologies Javier Lozano Javier Lozano | LinkedIn
17.15 17:30 15 Round up and Close Tony Mills Tony Mills | LinkedIn

In addition to the seminar, there will be a small table top exhibition during the breaks. For anyone interested in exhibiting, please contact for more info): £250


We will be keeping abreast of government guidelines and those issued by the venue, and will advise closer to the time.

Conference Attendance Rates: 

  • Emerging Leaders  ISPE Member*  £30
  • Emerging Leaders  Non-Member £50
  • ISPE Members: £40
  • Non-Members £90
  • Associated Organisation Members** £40 
  • Apprentice / Students *£5

Emerging Leaders is defined as a person fitting any of the following:

  • Recent Graduates are individuals within 1-5 years of university graduation.
Delegate Name
Membership No. / Organisation

** Members of IChemE, IMechE, Pharmig and ABPI , BIA, UK KTNs, UK Catapults should indicate their Organisation and membership reference when registering.

Please also note ISPE speakers are experts in their field volunteering their time and the programme may be subject to change  

ISPE United Kingdom Affiliate Limited
Registered Number: 07788736
Registered address:  35 Gypsy Lane, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS7 0DU