Membership Spring Drive - Join Now!

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Simplifying Critical Automation Technology in Pharmaceutical Production

Automation technology has accelerated and swelled in the last few years and, in many cases, becoming more complex and confusing. This session introduces the fundamentals of automation communications, breaking it down into easy-to-follow language, and highlighting some of the pros and cons of each communication protocol. Our presenters will also share real-life examples of how industry-leaders are using new technology. Automating manufacturing processes is crucial for modern pharmaceuticals' long-term, sustainable and reliable production. A&E firms, OEMs, & end-users are all integrating new automation to innovate, improve their operations, reduce downtime, maximize production, and reduce capital expenditure costs.


5:30 - 6:30 PM - Registration and Networking (Cash bar)
6:30 - 7:00 PM - Buffet Dinner
7:00 - 8:00 PM - Presentations


Stan Kushy

Stan Kushy
Area Sales Manager

Bürkert Fluid Control Systems

 Andrew Lamore

Andrew Lamore
Industry Sales Manager

Bürkert Fluid Control Systems


Registration Information:



ISPE Members




Emerging Leader/Student


Register now!

Registration will open at 5:30pm and a cocktail hour (cash bar) will be held until 6:00pm; a buffet dinner will be served at 6:00pm, followed by the presentations. The program will conclude at 8:00pm