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Emerging Leaders Present: Understanding Process Engineering

This virtual, online-only program is brought to you by the Emerging Leaders Committee (formerly YP Committee) but is open to all! 

Please join us for our first Emerging Leaders educational program of 2023: a one-hour lunch & learn webinar on process engineering. Process engineering encompasses a vast range on of industries through the understanding and application of the fundamental principles along with the laws of nature to synthesize and purify large quantities of desired chemical / biological products. Within process engineering, multiple tools and methods are utilized to simulate and model chemical, physical and biological processes. Tune in to learn about what it takes to become a process engineer and the many functions a process engineer performs in scaling up processes and designing manufacturing facilities developing manufacturing processes. Whether you are interested in a career in process engineering or just want to learn how to better engage with professionals in the field, this presentation is for you.


Tyler Underhill

Tyler Underhill

Senior Director of Biologics and Cell / Gene Therapies at PM Group

Registration Information:



ISPE Members




Young Professional/Student


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Brought to you by the Emerging Leaders Committee (formerly YP Committee) but open to all!

During our Emerging Leaders Networking Event in November, we took a survey and asked our members to tell us what topics they are most interested in learning more about. Professional Networking (not actual networking but how to network) and process were the most requested topics. We listened and our planned programs for the remainder of the 2022/23 calendar year will cover these topics. Our first three events will be virtual lunch & learns beginning with Process Engineering on February 16, Process Automation on March 16, and finally a “How To” on Professional Networking on May 4. At the 31st ISPE DVC Annual Symposium & Exhibition on May 16, we will have a face-to-face networking event.