The Netherlands Affiliate Events

20 January 2022 - 20 January 2022
The CQV Benelux organises it’s very first webinar. Get to know the new CoP, learn about the Cell Therapies landscape and find out what challenges these technologies bring to the field of commissioning and qualification. Speakers: Tim Vertongen (Chair...
7 December 2021 - 7 December 2021
In this webinar we wil discuss the related topics: ISPE 30 years of GAMP New GAMP Good Practice Guide on CSA Computer Software Assurance (CSA) Critical Thinking Applying Critical Thinking on Periodic Review For more information and registration...
14 October 2021 - 14 October 2021
This webinar wil discuss the related topic: IT Infrastructure Qualification Cyber Security Disaster Recovery For details & registration, see our website
17 June 2021 - 17 June 2021
This webinar is in the Dutch language only. De opslag en distributie van Covid-19 vaccin vraagt om een nauwkeurige aanpak. In deze seminar geeft Alex van de Berkt een beeldende uitleg over de toepassing van de GDP richtlijnen voor de Covid-19 vaccins...
30 March 2021 - 30 March 2021
IS CSA THE FUTURE FOR VALIDATION? This will be an interactive webinar. What is CSA? What's the difference with GAMP practice? How can I use it in my business? Are these also your questions.....this webinair will give you some guidence. Learn More &...
26 November 2020 - 26 November 2020
Making Money Count - Cost Management in Pharma Due to the current Covid-19 situation the PM CoP Benelux has changed the upcoming event into a virtual panel discussion on the 26 th of November. Experienced professionals will give real-life examples...
12 November 2020 - 12 November 2020
Webinar : Trends & Challenges Due to Covid-19 situation, the ISPE NL Affiliates is inviting you to attend our virtual webinar how COVID can impact your facility and CQV activities. Learn about how the arrangement of your production line is influenced...
29 October 2020 - 29 October 2020
Webinar 2 : customer cases Due to Covid-19 situation, GAMP CoP Benelux switched the next GAMP CoP Benelux event into 2 virtual meetings (webinars) at 27 October and 29 October. Learn about current industry practices related to vendor assessments and...
27 October 2020 - 27 October 2020
Webinar 1 : TRENDS & CHALLENGES Due to Covid-19 situation, GAMP CoP Benelux switched the next GAMP CoP Benelux event into 2 virtual meetings (webinars) at 27 October and 29 October. Learn about current industry practices related to vendor assessments...
26 March 2020 - 26 March 2020
ISPE Netherlands Affiliate Event At March 26. 2020 ISPE NL organizes in cooperation with the Young Professionals an event at Tiofarma (Oud- Beijerland, NL) regarding 'Impact and challenges for generic drugs`. It will be an interesting afternoon with...