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Czech Republic/Slovakia Affiliate FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Recently, there have been frequent questions regarding educational programmes offered by ISPE. Here is the answer:

Q: What is the difference between conferences and training courses organized by ISPE?

A:  Training courses offer basic information for those who are new in the pharmaceutical industry or provide new knowledge to those who are experienced in their branch but requirements of their job have changed. Conferences present hot news and most topical information from various areas of the pharmaceutical industry and serve above all as upgrade and update of knowledge.

If you have any questions regarding conferences, seminars, courses, workshops or webinars, the Annual Meeting etc. held by the ISPE Affiliate or the ISPE Headquarters or European office, please refer to the Global Event Calendar or Contact Us.

Q: How to join ISPE?

A:  There are a few ways how to join ISPE. The first one is simply through ISPE website. Being from the Czech Republic or Slovakia, you have a possibility to select the Emerging Economy Member status – read more in the respective section. Once you have selected a type of membership, either join ISPE online or print the application form, fill it in and sent to the ISPE European Office by fax (the number in page 2 of the application form). If you don’t wish to pay with credit card or any other ways provided in the application form, please complete the application form being sent with a letter requesting issuing an invoice (provide all necessary invoicing data). If you still are not sure or have some problems, Contact Us.

Q: What is Emerging Economy status?

A:  ISPE offers reduced membership fee and discounts for attending educational events (reduced attendance fee) for individuals who come from countries classified by ISPE as “emerging economies”. It’s really worth using this benefit; for example, a conference fee can be 50% less!

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