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Knowing Your Bay Area Market - Biomedical Industry Opportunities

ISPE SF 6-17-20 Graphic pg1

ISPE SF 6-17-20 Graphic pg2



Due to COVID-19 All of our face-to-face events are postponed until further notice.

When the State of California lifts restrictions, new dates will be announced. Although golf courses are open, large golf tournaments are not yet permitted. Official statement from the State of California:

The California Department of Public Health has determined that all public gatherings with people who are not members of your household—in any indoor or outdoor space—should be postponed or canceled to curb community spread of COVID-19. State agencies are not issuing permits for any gatherings—of any size, or any kind—at this time. Gatherings will be permitted again once public health officials determine they can be conducted in a manner consistent with public health and safety.

Golf Tournaments:  California is in Stage 2 or 3 (varies county by county) of Stay At Home Orders. While some outdoor activities are allowed in these phases, large groups such as golf tournaments are still off-limits. The current direction says "social and group gatherings are not permitted" and allows golfing as long as each player either walks the course or is in a separate cart and all players maintain social distancing. 

Vendor Night and Face-to-face meetings: Large groups events will not take place until Phase 4, which is the end of Stay At Home Order. Stage 4 which requires a therapeutic solution to the disease