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About the Nordic Affiliate

The Nordic Affiliate was initiated in 2000. The Affiliate consists of the 5 Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden.

In order to be an attractive organization for the Members, Nordic have some local communities of practice (CoPs). Each CoP arranges 2-3 afternoon network meetings, where a hot topic within the CoP is presented and discussed. Also, the network meetings are a great opportunity to network among equal minded within the industry. The network meetings are free of charge for ISPE Members.

The Conferences are normally a whole or 1½ day events, organized by some of the board members and other volunteers. Between 3-4 conferences are organized every year, with the Annual Conference as the last where also the Annual General Meeting is held. Conferences are open to both members and non-members. The last however pays a higher conference fee, but in return gets a one-year membership in ISPE paid by the Affiliate. Invitations to conferences are sent out to the Nordic Members and the programme can be found in the Affiliate Event Calendar.

The Nordic Affiliate Board of Directors is made up of Officers: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Past Chair and Elected Board members. The officers are elected for one year. All Board members are volunteers and as such, many have to fit in their ISPE activities with full-time jobs. 

People from the Nordic Affiliate participate actively in committees and councils within the international ISPE organization. Eg., the Affiliate Board Chair and Vice Chair are part of the European Affiliate Council, the Affiliate Membership Chair is part of the International Membership Development Committee. And there are participants from Nordic Affiliate in many of the international CO’s.

The ISPE Nordic Bylaws can be found here


Join the ISPE Nordic Affiliate

To join the ISPE Nordic Affiliate you must first join ISPE then select the ISPE Nordic Affiliate as your Affiliate during the join process.

Join ISPE Nordic

Join the Linkedin Group

Please also join the ISPE Nordic Linkedin group. This group is open to both Members and non-members and we announce all events on this group.

ISPE Nordic Linkedin