Membership Spring Drive - Join Now!

Volunteer Opportunites

The Chesapeake Bay Area Chapter is constantly on the lookout for fresh ideas and those willing to help us improve our programs and initiatives. Contact chapter department chairperson to get involved.

Chapter Manager
Kate Nardone
ISPE-CBA Chapter

Knowledge & Education Chairperson
Ryan Flanagan
Xyntek, Inc
The education committee encompasses Webinars, Roundtable Discussions, Facility/Plant Tours and all educational Member events as well as the MAST Showcase speakers.

Membership Chairperson
Michael Lenau
The Membership committee works to increase our membership, welcome new members and also gathers information from existing members to help plan our events.

MAST Showcase Chairperson
Lynne Cooper
This committee plans the Mid-Atlantic Science & Technology Showcase. The committee arranges for a venue, plans the speakers, and recruits exhibitors and attendees.

Marketing & Sponsorships Chairperson
Michael Lenau
The marketing committee works to develop corporate sponsorship for each year and approves new marketing displays/items for the chapter.

Social Chairperson
Justin Gore
The Social Committee's purpose is to define and organize social activities which can be attended and enjoyed by the ISPE Chesapeake Bay Area Chapter Membership. The social activities will provide avenues for Members to get to know new and veteran Members in an atmosphere outside of work.
The Social Committee is currently responsible for organizing, planning and carrying out activities such as: Happy Hour events, New Year Celebration, Summer Social, Golf Tournament, and others as determined

Emerging Leaders
Jaymie White
Piper CompaniesC
This committee caters to a diverse range of professionals seeking to EXPAND their NETWORK, EXPERIENCE, and KNOWLEDGE within the pharmaceutical industry. The Emerging Leader (EL) program is for students, recent graduates, and anyone transitioning into the pharmaceutical science, engineering, or technology industry.