iSpeak Blog

New Format Highlights 2017 ISPE/FDA/PQRI Quality Manufacturing Conference


2017 ISPE/FDA/PRQI Quality Manufacturing Conference

Tired of going to a conference and listening to talk about talk?  Want your voice to be heard?

Expect a brand new experience at 2017 ISPE/FDA/PQRI Quality Manufacturing Conference!

The 2017 Quality Manufacturing Conference offers a new and exciting format where participants will be able to interact directly with pharmaceutical industry and regulatory leaders in a four-series workshop rotation. The unique workshop topics were chosen as a joint effort between the FDA and pharmaceutical industry leaders. Keynote speakers will kick off each day of the conference setting the stage for stimulating discussion on the topics that follow throughout the remainder of the day. These topics are on the FDAs top priority list for 2017 and ISPE is honored to bring them to you in an interactive format for the 2017 Quality Manufacturing Conference. The workshop sessions have been designed to encourage open and honest discussion, sharing of perspectives, and exploring and influencing the future direction of these important initiatives. The sessions will start with a short introduction to help frame the topics, provide some background, and discuss questions that might help facilitate ideas and discussions. Key items for each session will be summarized and suggested next steps for ISPE will be explored. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to engage, share, and learn directly with FDA and industry colleagues. Stay tuned for the next four weeks as we give you the details on the objectives of the four workshops at the 2017 ISPE/FDA/PQRI Quality Manufacturing Conference and how they align with the FDA’s top priority list for 2017. Subscribe to iSpeak now to receive these blog posts delivered straight to your inbox.